Men’s Spiritual Healing Bracelet
Red Tigers Eye
This semi precious stone brings energies of vibrance and vitality, and of enhancing integrity of self and can be very grounding. It is said to help one have the practicality and willpower to take care of oneself fully. It is a survival stone and can help with the correct use of power for survival in difficult times, and can bring vitality. It promotes energies of health and vibrancy of those who wear it. It is said to bring good luck. Red Tiger Eye is associated with the root or base chakra. It also has the energetic properties of "regular" or golden Tiger Eye.
Lapis Lazuli
The stone of friendship and truth: Lapis lazuli is regarded by many people around the world as the stone of friendship and truth. The blue stone is said to encourage harmony in relationships and help its wearer to be authentic and give his or her opinion openly.
Jade is a symbol of serenity and purity. It signifies wisdom gathered in tranquility. It increases love and nurturing. A protective stone, Jade keeps the wearer from harm and brings harmony. Jade attracts good luck and friendship. It stabilizes the personality and promotes self-sufficiency. Soothes the mind, releasing negative thoughts. Stimulates ideas. A “dream stone”, Jade brings insightful dreams. It aids emotional release, especially of irritability. Jade encourages you to become who you really are.
All Deep Sea Gypsy Jewelry cleansed with sage and Palo Santo.