Blue Sage (1-bundle)

Blue Sage (1-bundle)

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Native Americans and other indigenous peoples have burned sage for centuries as part of a spiritual ritual to cleanse a person or space, and to promote healing and wisdom. It's been used since the time of the ancient Egyptians and Romans to treat digestive issues, memory problems, and sore throats. The name sage comes from the Latin “salvia,” which means, “to feel healthy.”

Acupuncturist Claretha Yeager, a doctor of acupuncture and Chinese medicine, and a reikimaster/teacher, says the sage smoke unburdens people of their negative energy and makes them feel better. “I see patients start to relax and go into a more neutral state within minutes,” says Yeager, who works at Jade Path Acupuncture in Chicago.

Smudging sage may be beneficial in areas including purification, symptom relief, spirituality, dispelling negative energy, object cleansing, mood improvement, stress relief, sleep improvement, cognition, energy boost...and of course, an uplifting fragrance